Today I found out the sex of my brother's 4th child. My brother/best bud, Ryan, and my sister in law, Angela, are having a GIRL!!! I'm so excited for them. Their kids are Blake, Meryl, Payne and next up is a baby girl due in early March. I'm so happy that Meryl will experience a little sister and the boys will have the brother bond as well. I figure if you are crazy enough to have 4 kids (just kidding...well, not really) then what beats boy-girl-boy-girl?
Congratulations, Ry and Angela. You guys never cease to amaze!
Here they are with my mom and dad in their hometown of Greenville, South Carolina watching the local baseball team. Great pic, just wish I could have been there too.

Could the name Julie be in the running for the baby girl due March 6?? What a perfect family, two boys and two girls!