Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Sand Box

After several attempts to finish uploading many more pics in chronological order (being built, sand being poured in, Carver putting toys in there, etc, etc.), my patience is worn. So this is it. After Gilbert took on the garden, he was ambitious enough to use the extra wood to make a little sandbox in the opposite corner of our yard. We are so grateful for our big ole' spacious back yard.

The Garden

Gilbert carefully drew, planned and built this little vegetable garden in the corner of our back yard. Watch them slowly sprout & grow as we do too. Soon enough, we'll be pulling corn, zuchinni, squash, tomatoes and peppers from our own garden. What a lucky gal I am to live with such a green thumb!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


You know how you start saying a word like your child does instead of the correct way? Well, maybe you can't relate. I realize I should pronounce the word correctly but instead I find myself saying patsy, moneys, and teptool instead of paci, money and stepstool. I limit this to just our conversations in order to spare my husband & friends.

Moving on...Carver has a coin sock whose "face" fell off due to the amount of coins weighing it down. That sparked a fun little project for him & I - to collect all the change around the house, add it to the coin sock & take his first trip into the bank to trade coins for dollars. I still get that nervous excitement waiting for the teller to come back and tell us what magical number we hit. We were somewhere around $50 and of course mommy kept half (is that bad?) and gave Carver his own crisp $20 bill. Do remember, folks, this was all mommy and daddy's change in the first place. $20 is plenty to add to this piggy bank for a 2 1/2 yr old. Not to mention the kid has quite a few big bills already in "Mr. Piggy."

Here's a photographic trip down memory lane......It's always the simplist of things that occupy our days and bring the greatest joy to both of us. I love this child.

For starters, he had to use his shopping cart to transport the coins around the house.
They are heavy afterall! Don't miss out on his Walmart red slippers.
Julie - check out his mouth, wide open as he focuses on the task at-hand. Remind you of anyone?

Wait, mommy, quick pitstop....I noticed a piece of dirt & need to sweep it up, just like you.

No pictures at the bank so the last one is him putting that dirty $20 bill on top of his mouth.
All in a day's work!

Burger Thursdays

Every Thursday Carver gets out of "school" an hour early at lunchtime. We eat lunch together that day instead of me packing his. Thursdays have become Burger Thursdays. Let me tell you - the apple doesn't fall far from the tree - the kid loves a burger. So we now have an official day for it.

This past week has been so beautiful here in the lonestar state. Spring is in the air and the sun is shining so warmly. Today was our 2nd picnic of the week - well, most picnics are sandwiches and fruit but today's was a burger. I quickly (uh, you could figure that out for yourself) snapped these pics at his school while we ate today. I love how he is wearing these pants. I did not send him off to school in those. I immediately thought he had an accident at school but nope, Ms. Amy said he just had poor aim when using the potty....thus had to change his outfit since he soaked his jeans. That's my boy. He's getting so big. My heart aches with love for him more every single day. I daydream about our family's future & all to come. I really can't believe I have what I have. I'm so grateful.