Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Parade

Today was Carver's Halloween Parade at Mother's Day Out. He was 1 of 4 Thomas the Train's as that is his newest, most exciting toy collection. I now understand all the Thomas the Train hype that came long before Carver. I guess Thomas never really gets old since every boy between the age of 2 and 3 first discovers trains after tiring of cars and trucks.
Of course I think he looked absolutely precious as he's at the age where he kindof "gets it." We're already practicing our trick or treats for Saturday.
Here are some pics of my special boy. His facial expressions crack me up- he was puzzled why I was snapping pics of him and why so many other "kids" (as he says calls them) weren't wearing regular clothes.
Happy Halloween!

Being paraded around the sanctuary by Ms. Snow White
" Mom, is that you?"

Happy boy, even on the potty

"Not in front of the rose bush and with my matching backpack, Mom!"

Choooo- choooo

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Is it possible? it possible I can love this boy Carver so very much? I can go from "how will I ever have another baby again" after weeks of 5:07 or 5:32 am wakeups then get into the daily groove so quickly and that is long forgotton. I kiss his upper and lower lips, I even like to kiss his front teeth, I just love to kiss and hug and snuggle him all up. I'm so lucky, my "baby" loves to snuggle me just as much. "Anuder hug mama?" I get to hear this several times a day.

It's cliche, it is redundant with alot of mothers, but seriously....I am so blessed.
This post tonight comes from a very pure, primal place. Love like no other. This post also stems from an experience at the park this afternoon. While heading there in a regular, ho-hum, this is my not so exciting life kinda mood with buckets and shovels and sippy cup (straw, thank you very much) in tow, we arrive and start the be careful, use both hands while climbing kinda talk and weeeeeeeeee, I swing tall from Carver. All is fun and easy in our every day life once I spot a father with his special-needs toddler maintaining a jogging pace just to keep up with him and prohibit the boy from hurting himself or anyone else. Suddenly it was pure chaos. The child was humming to himself, racing back and forth across the park on his tipey-toes, to and from slide to slide. Manic. His dad with a look of constant focus, just trying to keep close behind him, re-direct him. Over and over. And over again. This was just 30 minutes of their day might I add. It exhausted me, a bystander.
I am no doctor, I would never pretend to be. I'm pretty sure he showed signs of autism at the least. I don't diagnosis. Please let that be my disclosure. No judgement here, just in awe and ever so grateful to be so quickly thrust out of myself and into the mind of what it must be raise a child with a disability of any kind. What a different meaning having a "healthy child" means once you have one...or don't.
I even use to work at an agency that provided services to children w/disablities, but I only now realize that I didn't "get it" then ... I wasn't a mother. My job ended at 5pm.
When I close my eyes tonight and turn my light off after dropping my book a few times to let me know that I am, indeed, ready to go to bed, you can bet my prayer will be one of gratitude. How embarassing, how foolish of me to feel so entitled ever in this lifetime. I only hope I can remember this every day. Sweet dreams, sweet boy. Mama loves you more than you can ever know.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Aunt Jenny

I'm on a roll here. Per usual, I'm a feast or famine even when it comes to blogging.

Today I found out the sex of my brother's 4th child. My brother/best bud, Ryan, and my sister in law, Angela, are having a GIRL!!! I'm so excited for them. Their kids are Blake, Meryl, Payne and next up is a baby girl due in early March. I'm so happy that Meryl will experience a little sister and the boys will have the brother bond as well. I figure if you are crazy enough to have 4 kids (just kidding...well, not really) then what beats boy-girl-boy-girl?
Congratulations, Ry and Angela. You guys never cease to amaze!
Here they are with my mom and dad in their hometown of Greenville, South Carolina watching the local baseball team. Great pic, just wish I could have been there too.

I'm back

One reason I haven't blogged recently..maybe b/c I always format the pictures and text bassackwards?? Too tired tonight to fix it. First catch up on pics then blog is below.

Well, apparently I'm not good at maintaining a blog. I still go through and read the rest of your blogs. Usually you all make me inspired, enlightened or inadequate depending on my mood.

So I figured I gotta keep up with this. I mean, I love to write and rant and talk to myself anyways, and it's just an added bonus if someone else is interested. Examples of blogs that could have been in the past 2 months..."Pumpkin patch"... "Rainy days playing in puddles" .... "A week of sleepless nights and 5:30 wakeups" ......

So maybe I spared you afterall?

Obviously this post was me pumping myself up to re-enter the blogging world. Stay tuned for my next post, hyping up my quickie 2 night trip to D.C. with my hubbie in 2 weeks. KID FREE!