We had to be at Strictly Pediatrics Surgery Center (which is awesome by the way if you live in Austin) at 6:45am for his 7:45am procedure.
In the pre-op room getting vitals checked

Precious in his hospital gown
Sweet daddy offering reassurance

Precious in his hospital gown

Sweet daddy offering reassurance
He kept saying "when my turn?"
My sweet baby boy still waiting, but ready to get this show on the road.
He had to go back alone and never hesitated for one second.
Proud mama.
This procedure is very quick. He spent the same amount of room in the OR as he did in recovery, coming out of anesthesia. When he had his tubes put in at a younger age, he came out so disoriented, crying, inconsolable. I was told to expect the same, if not worse, but he didn't even whimper. They gave him a popsicle right away and he ate it faster than he's ever eaten any popsicle in his life. Then he downed 2 ice cold apple juices the nurses gave him.

THEN he threw up. In the car. So no picture obviously and I know you are glad. He drank the liquids entirely too fast and couldn't hold it down. I was warned about this.
Is that your tiny face I see?

THEN he threw up. In the car. So no picture obviously and I know you are glad. He drank the liquids entirely too fast and couldn't hold it down. I was warned about this.
But once home and after about 10 Ritz crackers, he had a sudden burst of energy and became playful.
"Moooom, find me, find me!"
"Moooom, find me, find me!"
Humm....where's Carver?
Is that your tiny face I see?
Playing with your flashlight in your hut.
Then he threw up. Again. And again. So weird how a child can be so normal one second and sick the next. Atleast that's how he is. Poor thing, tried to run to the bathroom and got sick in the hallway instead. Then the sofa. He wanted so badly to keep something down.
After home-cooked Ramen noodles (HA) from yours truly, he was able to eat about 6 or 7 bites.
After home-cooked Ramen noodles (HA) from yours truly, he was able to eat about 6 or 7 bites.
He had one final false alarm. I actually believe this was just a touch of drama.
But isn't still a pathetic picture, poor little man.
I'm praying he'll get much needed rest and wake a new man. Let's hope.
Jenny!!! Your little man is so stinkin' cute! Hope his ears are all better!