Thursday, April 8, 2010

Seeds of Change

About 1 month ago..
seeds in place..
we wait.....
Hello, corn, squash & zuchinni....

As of yesterday...
look how you've grown!

Crossing our fingers the birds won't eat
our tomatoes like they did last year

Are those flowers I see on the zuchinni?

We wait for peppers....Gilbert's homemade salsa anyone?

Oh, corn...sweet, succulent summer corn...

Who is so happy about the garden? JUMP FOR JOY, BIG BOY!
Actually this pose is in response to mommy's question,
"How much does mommy love you??"

Snapdragons I brought back from Waco when mom & dad still lived there.

Asparagus fern coming back to life.....

Does it get any better? 70 degrees on a Texas spring day...

Oh my favorite little sprout - my how you are growing so fast...
You are what makes spring so dern good.

1 comment:

  1. a. you are my new gardening buddy now
    b. yes, i want some of gilbert's salsa
    c. i love asparagus ferns!

    you need to come to waco this weekend to go to the "gardeners gathering" with me at the arboretum! :)
