Friday, April 16, 2010

Movin' On Up

There is a big boy who resides in our house. No longer a baby. He is moving on up to a big boy room and plans are underway. Here's a sneak peek.....

Enter at your own risk...

View from the doorway

Yes this is a very bright blue...I think I should've spent a little more time on the color

Trains, trains, trains...

Testing out the side rail

Curtains are up...every boy must be in darkness for naptime

Oh what fun mommy is having shopping for this big boy room..

and this is no cliche, this boy can hit a ball!

Bookshelf awaiting its occupents

Now it's just time to do a little more shopping (poor me), hang some stuff on the walls then..
move in...tentative date scheduled for next weekend...more to come.

On another note, the Paci Fairy unexpectadely visited our house 2 days ago. After buying the book, Carver jumped up and wanted to collect all paci's in the house and leave for the exchange for a toy of course. Mommy was not mentally prepared for this day at all..I always envisioned I would plan it a month in advance, heck I already had that month picked out. But I went with it. I was scared. Nervous. Anxious. Okay, I was an emotional wreck for my baby boy!

Night 1 was brutal. I felt I was comforting an addict in withdrawal as I rubbed his back, sang to him & denied him his paci's...the fairy had already taken them to the babies in the world after all. I think we slept about 3 hours all night long. No nap that day either.

Day 2: A little whiney, not noticeable. Looked for paci 1 time and never mentioned it again. Slept ALL night long last night - no problems. Took his 2 hour, typical nap today - no problem. Are you kidding me? For 3 years this has been a fundamental part of his existence..or so I thought?

I guess it was harder for me to let go.....

I'm so stinkin' proud of this boy. Words can't express. Amazing.

I think I want to do this, right?

Hurry, mom, I want a toy from the Paci Fairy!

"OH MY gosh,'s the biggest truck I ever seen."

-Carver Chavez


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Seeds of Change

About 1 month ago..
seeds in place..
we wait.....
Hello, corn, squash & zuchinni....

As of yesterday...
look how you've grown!

Crossing our fingers the birds won't eat
our tomatoes like they did last year

Are those flowers I see on the zuchinni?

We wait for peppers....Gilbert's homemade salsa anyone?

Oh, corn...sweet, succulent summer corn...

Who is so happy about the garden? JUMP FOR JOY, BIG BOY!
Actually this pose is in response to mommy's question,
"How much does mommy love you??"

Snapdragons I brought back from Waco when mom & dad still lived there.

Asparagus fern coming back to life.....

Does it get any better? 70 degrees on a Texas spring day...

Oh my favorite little sprout - my how you are growing so fast...
You are what makes spring so dern good.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

La Familia

What an action packed Easter weekend. It was quite memorable. We started our road trip with a stop at the Cameron Park Zoo in Waco. (I am fond of you, Waco, I actually miss you)

We packed a picnic lunch after touring the zoo then we were back on the road heading northbound to Arlington. We spent the weekend at Teta's house and even took Carver to his first Rangers game. The weekend was filled with several egg hunts, lots of food, quality time with Carver's cousins, a washer tournament, and even a little time in the country. Heck I even rode a 4 wheeler! It doesn't get much better. Happy belated Easter to all.

First real zoo experience

Mommy loves to be silly with me

Finally with my cousins,
whom I greatly idolize

Impromptu egg hunt..but this egg won't fit in my basket?

First Rangers game (exhibition)

Easter Festival at Teta's church

Playing ball with cousin Julian at Chavez celebration

Sweet, sweet boy
Mira! What form Popo has tossing washers!

Patiently waiting to start the egg hunt

Wow I found an egg with $5 AND candy!

Now here comes the fun part - cascarones!

Had to get Daddy with the help of Aunt Margaret

Oh Kelsey girl - Carver's favorite cousin...I don't know if I feel worse for Kelsey or Kelly, her mom, who has to tediously comb all the glitter & confetti out of her curly, curly, thick hair!

He loved when Uncle Robbie would play chase

Now I'll chase you, Kelsey...wait for me...

Whew, that's tiring, better take a rest with Kelsey and Aunt Gloria. Look at this hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yours truly after getting eliminated from washers tournie

Ha ha, Omar & Robbie show up in the same shirt. They got alot of hell for it, deservedly so.

Jonathon's not too big to sit on mom's lap, good boy!

Carver still hanging with Kelsey, he doesn't leave her side too often

Carver with one of his favorite people - Richard

We decided to finally go see Amiee & Robbie's land they will eventually build and live on. For now it houses alot of great "toys" so to speak & their camper. ALOT OF FUN.

If only his legs could reach the pedals...

Don't you just love to look at all this space? You can see Wil riding the 4-wheeler off in the distance if you look closely.

Much to our disbelief, Carver jumped at the opportunity to ride this go-cart with Kelsey. He is very timid, but this just validates how much he loves Kelsey and trusts her. Buckle up, boy!

It was a bumpy ride..

What can I find next? Oh let's see...thanks Uncle Robbie for the kid's club.
I think I'll hit a few balls out here.

The crew that headed to the land

Amiee & Robbie posing in front of their camper
Thanks to all for a wonderful trip & the Chavez hospitality. Nothing like family.