I surprised Gilbert in the best kind of way with a big trip to the DFW metroplex for a Rangers/Yankees game. But I stepped it up a notch, because after all...he does deserve it. We stayed in a suite, rode in a limo, and had a hotel room in Sundance Square. But the biggest surprise was me inviting secret surprise friends! The Macs and The Chavez flew in from Phoenix and Vegas as a surprise and boy we got him good. There really are too few surprises in life so it was pure joy for me to plan it all out.
You only turn 40 once, right?
Here we are bright eyed and ready for what lie ahead....except that Gilbert had no clue.
The surprise plan was executed pretty well except for Gilbert seeing Marc's head in the window when we were approaching the restaurant where they would meet us. I caught a few of these pics as soon as we walked in and he saw them.
Gilbert and Melissa.
Sandra and her crazy laugh at how Marc spoiled it, but not really b/c it was just seconds before we walked in.
The limo company was awesome and upgraded us to the Excursion as a surprise. Bill, our driver was TOP NOTCH as well.

What a memory, we missed our friends the second they left...but until next time.
Got to come home for Mother's Day weekend to my sweet baby girl, Carver & MY BEST FRIEND, my mom.
Mom took such good care of Savannah while we were celebrating, and Carver has a sleepover at his Teta's house in Arlington. She even took him to Chucky Cheese, his favorite, so the kids had just as much fun as we did.

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