Savannah Chavez was born on Saturday, February 12th after a beautiful, short 4 hour labor. We figured it would be a long night but boy were we wrong. We were at the hospital at 6 o'clock and not a contraction (my water broke) until after 9pm and she was delivered just before midnight, at 11:56 p.m. What a doll she has proved to be. I am completely smitten. Diving into parenthood the first time around with Carver was such a shock to my system that in retrospect, I don't think I enjoyed this newborn stage. I stressed and opened the books every day desperate for answers, only to never find them. Now I am just in awe of all that a newborn represents. Sleep deprived and all.
She's a beauty. We're gonna keep her. She is 8 days old today and already I am saddened that time is lost. Time stops for nobody and as much as I look forward to our new family of 4 and all that we will experience together, it's quite a thought that every day moves ahead of us out of our control.
I'll spare you any more of my delirious, emotionally-charged thoughts.
Savannah Chavez, welcome to our family sweet baby girl.

And big brother, Carver, has shown no jealousy yet. Nothing but love.
But he remains busy as ever- digging and playing in the backyard with his daddy.

Week 2, here we come!
She is simply beautiful! I love her gorgeous black hair! Enjoy these sweet, precious days while she is so tiny!