I was blessed to have my sweet mother, a.k.a., my "bff" here for 2 weeks surrounding Savannah's birth. I wouldn't have had it any other way, except of course having her here longer.
Mom said several times how I was in love with Savannah and hurried to get her in the crib just as she did me, her own baby girl. It was quite a treat to share in having my daughter with my mom here since we are so close.
We tried to get a few pictures of the three generations and only 1 little bitty person wasn't so happy about that. Lucky for me..this is a rare face for her. SO FAR she only screams bloody murder when she is being changed or is overtired or needs to release a good burp. All reasonable problems. Unlike her brother as an infant, she remains pretty peaceful and chill. Let's hope it sticks.
